Food Safety and Traceability

In an industry where the reputation of our brand is completely dependent on the quality, we take food safety very seriously.

Being a member of SEDEX (Supplier Ethical Data Exchange), an organization that enables member companies to manage efficiently the ethical and responsible practices of their global supply chains, the post-harvest management of grapes and pomegranates, are being audited by a SEDEX recognized ethical auditor. Internal and external traceability programs are carried out in order to effectively track and trace the product up and down the supply chain, to achieve the whole chain of traceability.

Fresh Pro International today is recognized in the export industry as one of the first companies that had included 100% traceability of its produce which could be tracked through an online system. The system has been designed to list and track the entire supply chain, along with the origin of the produce, its growing conditions, how it reaches the supermarket and into the kitchens of our end consumer.

  • Across all the units of Fresh Pro International, we have installed fully equipped and evolved ERP and SCM systems. Our systems are so efficient; they have been acknowledged and awarded by reputed retailers around the world.
  • The system is devised to facilitate and track all farm inputs and productivity, thus making it easier for the customer, the vendor and the supplier.
  • By providing a login for our customers, they have the option to access comprehensive traceability information which includes residue analysis reports, spray records as well as the shipment details on each product that they are expected to receive.
  • Before dispatch, without exception, all of Fresh Pro International's produce that goes to Europe is tested to find traces of pesticide residue.
  • Since the entire process can be accessed online, it drastically reduces the usage of paper records, adding another element of being environmentally responsible.

Quality And Food Safety Policy

Providing quality produce that is both safe, healthy and tasty involves stringent processes that we, at Fresh Pro International, maintain within our industrial plants and management.

We provide management training to ensure that all Food Safety and Quality Policy that relate to product safety, legality and quality are understood and applied across all involved staff members within the organization.

After a thorough assessment and evaluation of client requirements, our management is segregated into different sections of expertise to provide absolute customer satisfaction. We closely monitor the produce at every stage of the process, working on ways to improve the intermediate processes to make them more precise, on manpower to increase efficiency, on packaging materials so that the produce reaches you safely, on transportation facilities to ensure that the quality of the produce is not compromised and for each of these processes to be cost effective.

To reinstate the same training and to increase employee awareness, we regularly review the Food Safety and Quality policy during our Management Review Meetings and take efforts to update and display the Food Safety and Quality Policy across various common as well as prominent areas within the office space.

We maintain and follow strict hygiene regulations that match the Global Standard for Food Safety and HACCP to improve the effectiveness of the Systems. Our management is committed to meeting applicable Statutory and Regulatory requirements as well as taking the initiative to improve quality by addressing the requirements within the Corrective & Preventive actions.

Personal Hygiene Policy

Prior to being an employee at our industrial plants, we go through a thorough background check of each individual in direct contact with our produce. Some of the regulations we maintain include:

  • The entire facility is thoroughly monitored by close circuit camera.
  • Without exception, every person who enters the packing area should be medically fit and have a medical clearance of not carrying any contagious disease(s).
  • Employees are discouraged from using/consuming tobacco, cigarettes or alcohol, and all such substances are forbidden within the working area.
  • Employees are provided lockers to save their belongings, including food and medicines, which are strictly forbidden in the packaging area.
  • The dress code of every person entering the packing facility includes wearing a proper sanitized uniform and a cap.
  • Every person entering the packing area is obliged to wash their hands with soap.
  • Washed hands should be dried with paper napkins, and then sterilized thoroughly using disinfectant on palms.
  • Every person entering the packing area is not allowed to wear a strong smelling perfume, scent, after-shave lotion, hair oil and any strong substance that can interfere with the produce being packaged.

Visitor Policy

We are as stringent with visitors who enter our facility. Some of the safety checks we impose include:

  • The entire facility is thoroughly monitored by close circuit camera.
  • Visitors have to fill a detailed health questionnaire.
  • People with communicable diseases such as diarrhea, vomiting, skin or any infectious diseases are denied access into the facility to avoid contamination.
  • If they clear the preliminary health inspection, they are given a Visitor Pass by the Security which they are supposed to wear and display prominently.
  • There are evacuation procedures in place, in case of an emergency, which the visitor has to go through with their host before they enter the facility.
  • Visitors are expected to always wear a cap and apron that is provided to them, and are required to be accompanied by their host.
  • Forbidden list - Smoking & Chewing Tobacco is strictly prohibited. In addition, people are not allowed to carry glass items, paper clips, staple pins, chewing gum, matchboxes, mints, medicines, camera, mobile phone, jewelry, hair clips etc within the packing area. They can keep these items with the security or in the locker facility.
  • Visitors are expected to thoroughly wash their hands with soap and water, dry with paper napkins and sterilize the same with a disinfectant provided.
  • While within the facility, visitors are not allowed to handle or touch food products

Environmental Policy

Making the workplace environment-friendly, is a top priority for us at Fresh Pro International. Matching international standards, our processes go through intensive checks and controls to ensure that we provide a healthy work environment that is mindful of conserving natural resources as well as protecting the environment at large. Some of our policies include:

  • We take stringent measures to try and meet or exceed all applicable government requirements.
  • Training is vital. We spend a lot of resources to train our personnel to be efficient and have an expertise in their field. This also ensures that there are lesser accidents, that employees know how to use each equipment with a knowledge of the safety regulations, and can engage in a healthy work environment that cares for the employee's health.
  • Our responsibility to our community includes our carbon footprint as well as how we operate within the facility. As responsible neighbours, we try our best to avoid or correct incidents or conditions that could serve as a threat for people around.
  • We work on innovative ways to reuse and recycle our materials so as to conserve natural resources, especially during packaging and shipping. Conserving energy is also of importance which is why we prefer renewable over non-renewable energy sources when feasible.
  • We also work towards preventing air, water, and other pollution, minimizing health and safety risks, and ensuring the disposal of waste safely and responsibly.

At Fresh Pro International, each and every employee, vendor or contractor is trained to imbibe this training to understand these policies well before they are absorbed by the company. In case some regulations are violated, the managers are given the authority to take prompt action.

Social Accountability for Employees Policy

Being a global brand that has a network of relationships across the world, Fresh Pro International has been successful in developing those relationships based on its adherence to regulations as well as its social accountability. Some of the areas that we pay a lot of attention to include:

  • For our employees we have a no discrimination policy that does not differentiate them in terms of their sex, race, color, religion or age.
  • Our employees deserve to be happy where they work. Thus all employees have the freedom to form associations and collective bargaining.
  • Employee working hours are in accordance with regional labor law. Compensations and remunerations are based on the evaluation of the job. We pay employees for sick leaves as well as give them a package with additional benefits.
  • We discourage child labour both within our companies and our suppliers.
  • We make sure that we address health and safety management for our employees, contractors, visitors and the public at regular intervals.
  • Our top management is committed to adapting and including newer reforms that could improve and benefit our social accountability and labor conditions.